Monday, March 24, 2008

Easter 2008

Easter 2008

Daddy and his girl

Kailyn Jade

Skylar & Aunt Boo

Kailyn shows off the towel he Easter bunny left for her!

egg hunt

"not so sure I want her to touch me!"

playing airplane with daddy

making silly faces

We had a wonderful holiday celebration and we hope you all had a blessed day! We started off with an Easter basket at home, then onto a wonderful church service at RMUC. After church we went to mom & Doug's for lunch & an egg hunt for the kids! Michael, Kailyn & Chelsea did a great job finding all the eggs and sharing their goodies with Skylar since she stopped looking after her hands were full with two brightly colored beautiful eggs! After hanging out relaxing with the Winquist-Frye clan we headed over to my dad's house for more quality family time! Cam, Dad, Haley & Courtney, Chris & I enjoyed a little game of PIT, which I won:) It was lots of fun and Courtney had a good time ( I think) learning one of the family's favorite games! Skylar and Ali just watched the craziness...for those of you that have never played it gets to be loud and you have to stay on your toes, its a fun time! We also stuffed ourselves with lots of great food (except we could have used a little ranch;) right Hal & Court).
It was a great day. We are very blessed by all of the loved ones in our lives and cherish the moments we get to spend with them all!!

Just call me...

Crash! I had my first major spill this weekend. I just wanted to run down the driveway and my daddy thought I should stop but as he came closer to grab me I tried to take off. As I turned around to see if he was gaining on me, I lost my footing and Crashed head first into the pavement! I will admit I cried a little but I am a toughie so I didn't cry for long, mom and dad were more stressed about it then I was, they are always worried about stuff like that. My mom also was thinking my new raspberry would not look nice with my Easter dress, but it actually complimented the pink quite nicely!!!

Coloring Eggs

Hope you all had an Eggs-cellent Easter!!!

could she be any happier???

On Saturday afternoon Skylar and I dyed easter eggs. It was a little messy, the eggs turned out very pretty as did Skylar's fingers:) She wanted to keep touching the eggs the entire time they were soaking in the dye, thankfully it is not permanent dye!

Thank you Grandma Frye!

Last week Skylar spent 2 days with Grandma Frye since her babysitter was on vacation. She had a wonderful time! Grandma Frye made us dinner one day, Goulash. It was very good and much appreciated as sometimes we are little rushed when I have to cook after working all day! As you can see from the pictures Skylar LOVED the meal!!!

Who needs toys...

When your parents have a dishwasher... Skylar is SO entertained by the dishwasher. She has now figured out how to open it (it doesn't have a lock) so when she does she just sits there, she doesn't touch the dishes, heaven forbid those be of interest:) But just sitting on the dishwasher seems to make her very happy...tonight there was a puddle of water on the dishwasher from me loading dishes so Skylar had a little puddle party... it was very cute!!

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

More Carnival Pictures...

Skylar and Aubrie on a sled rideMe pulling them around:)

One of my new favorite pictures...My wonderful mother in law & my sweet baby girl! Skylar absolutely adores her Grandma Sheri!

Caberfae Carnival 2008

This past weekend was the annual Caberfae Ski Carnaval, "Halloween in the Spring". We had a great time! We missed Chris as he was once again busy working at one of the area home shows ramping up for what we hope to be a great season for Win rec!!
The Carnival is just a fun carefree weekend with lots of fun activities! There is a costume contest, swim suit parade, big air comp, and this year they even featured at Rock Paper Scissor Contest! We only participated in the costume parade and then stayed around to watch the other events. Skylar entered the costume parade for her second year in a row. I have tried to make our costumes go together as a theme seeing as how I have to hold her while I ski down(at least for the time being), maybe in a few years she will not have to be an accessory to my costume! This year Skylar and I dressed as a pirate and a parrot! She was, as always, a trooper and went along with me dressing her up and parading her around:) She even seemed to enjoy it. There were a lot of participants in the parade this year and Skylar and I finished in 10th with Sheri 'the clown' close on our heels in 11th place!
When we skied down the hill for the parade she said "wee, wee" the whole way down, I really think that she is going to love skiing! She was just funny as could be all day saying hi and being the social butterfly around the crowd. Random people kept coming up taking her picture and she would just ham it up for them!!
Here are some of the pictures from the costumes sported by the family!

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Congratulations Michelle & Bruce!

My friend Michelle welcomed her little (not so much) bundle of joy into this world on Friday March 14 at 10 am. Isaiah David weighed in at 10 lbs. and is 20 inches long. He put his momma through the ringer with an agonizing 36 hour labor that resulted in a C-Section, but after all was said and done both mom and baby are healthy.
Skylar and I went up to visit Sunday afternoon. It was so cute to see how Skylar reacted to me holding a baby, she was very curious and kept her eyes on him most of the time. And she was sure to stay close to mom:)

Skiing with Michael Ray

This past weekend I got the chance to ski a little with my nephew Michael...he is starting to pick up on the skills but it is still a great workout for whoever gets to hold on to the harness:) My thighs were burning after a couple of runs, but I can't complain they need a little burn! Thanks for letting me ski with you Michael Ray.  All of these pictures are of Grandma Frye with Michael (we took turns skiing with him!

Monday, March 10, 2008

4 generations

Well with Skylar learning how to ski or at least being completely surrounded by it, we have 4 generations of skiers! Grandpa Winquist is still actively skiing in his 70's! So here is a memory that will be cherished of the 4 generations together on the ski hill, Grandpa Winquist, Sheri (chris' mom), Chris, and Skylar. Here's to many more seasons of great skiing together:)

Skylar 1st time Downhill Skiing....

Grandma Sheri & Skylar

Skylar 13 1/2 mo, Aubrie 14 mo, Alissandra 27 mo
(the future girls race team)

so this past weekend we decided that since she can walk she could probably ski, right? So we bundled her up and put her skiis on her...we just pushed her around a little at the base of the hill. She seemed to like it as long as she was moving. It was fun to just get her a little acclimated to the idea:) Then she went into the backpack carrier and rode up the chair lift with Chris, at the top of the hill it was onto Chris' back and time for a little downhill skiing! She really seemed to enjoy it she only went down two hills, just enough to get over to where everyone was congregating to watch the Witcom Cup Race at Caberfae. We met the whole family over there to cheer on Uncle Tom and cousin Erik. It was a great day to be outside and enjoying Michigan's beautiful sun shinning winter! Hats off to Uncle Tom who finished 5th over all and won 1st place for his age bracket! (Erik finished in an honorable 5th place for his age bracket, but smoked by Uncle Tom and lost the bet they had made!) As always it was a wonderful weekend to enjoy winter in MI and enjoy the company of family!!